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Dear Residents,


According to the the Fire Safety Policy for Newham Council and our obligation as your Housing Provider, everyone is to adhere to the following instructions for the safety of yourselves and others.


Please see below extract from the London Borough of Newham Fire Safety Policy:

1.1.1. Balconies

The most common cause of fires on balconies are arson, careless disposal of smoking materials or the misuse of barbeques. Fires on balconies can be severe, spread to balconies or flats above via open windows or to properties below from dropping burning materials.


Good housekeeping is critical in reducing the risk from fires on balconies. This includes controlling the presence of combustible materials and ignition sources:


  • Barbeques must not be used on balconies

  • Discarded cigarettes must not be thrown over balconies

  • Hazardous substances such as chemicals or flammable materials such as petrol or gas cylinders must not be stored on balconies

  • Old furniture must not be stored on balconies

  • Motorcycles, mowers or gardening equipment containing petrol must not be stored on balconies

6. Do not charge mobility scooters, batteries or other electrical equipment on balconies
7. Do not keep sheds or storage cabinets on balconies
London Borough of Newham will ensure continued compliance with this policy
1.1.2.Common areas
The ignition of combustible material within the common corridors, stairways and landings will give rise to the presence of smoke in escape routes and the possibility of fire-spread into flats. Even if combustible material is present in a room separated from escape route there is still a danger that any resultant fire could eventually threaten the escape of occupants of flats. Indeed, many such rooms have a higher probability of fire inception (i.e. electrical switch rooms).
These rooms of high fire risk and all common parts will be inspected regularly and maintained as clear from combustible items at all times. Any items discovered will be removed. London Borough of Newham will communicate with their residents regularly regarding this policy.

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